

Application Outsourcing

Achieve the optimal IT estate, create opportunities for business growth, and minimize costs.

CIOs around the world must demonstrate how IT can help their company achieve its business objectives. One common challenge is to make the transition from systems-centric, cost-based IT to capitalize on the advantages of value-based IT.

AAT’s Application Outsourcing services provide IT solutions that support organizational needs, enabling you to minimize costs, improve efficiency and create a competitive advantage.

Application Management
Application Management Tailored to Your Changing Needs. AAT works closely with you to maintain, adapt and develop your applications in order to minimize cost and maximize quality and flexibility.

Many companies lack the resources to cover all competencies along the application lifecycle. With on-demand access to AAT’s skilled specialists, you can leave your application management queries to us and focus on your core competencies. Our Application Skills on Demand is a single professional services contract that provides access to our project managers, business analysts, application technicians and other application management specialists. We are committed to your success while sharing your risks and responsibilities.

Application Development
We offer a way to evolve into Service-Oriented Enterprises at your own pace. Businesses may lack the resources, or imperative to make the leap towards Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). AAT’s Application Development solution offers a way for the companies to evolve into Service-Oriented Enterprises with their own pace.

With AAT’s Application Development, businesses can expand and improve their applications over time via small, discrete development projects. This approach allows for better scaling of application development. It also facilitates a gradual transition towards implementing Service-Oriented Architecture

Application Modernization
We help you optimize the value of past IT investments, reduce the complexity of their application portfolio and lower costs.

We have helped leading companies around the world to successfully modernize their application portfolios. We work with you to increase the flexibility of individual applications by improving interoperability between legacy systems and incorporating recently-migrated business functionalities and external systems.

We can help you to
  • Combining old and new applications and using pre-packaged and bespoke solutions
  • Increase the business value of past IT investments
  • Lower costs and improve the return on your IT investments
  • Reduce the complexity of your application portfolio
  • Limit adverse environmental impact through migration to energy-efficient hardware
  • Mitigate production risk resulting from unsupported systems
  • Finance a modernization program that is based on savings in sustained pricing and associated with future returns

Application Portfolio Strategy
How much you spend on IT is less important than what you spend it on. AAT helps you make those crucial decisions.

We can help you meet the dual challenge of reducing IT costs and using applications to add value to your business. AAT works with you to optimize your application portfolio by identifying cost reduction opportunities and investment priorities.
Instead of centering on implementation and technology, we help you define your IT goals in business language and align them with the prevailing business model. The most effective way for an IT organization to do this is to understand the business services of the organization.

Our service orientation and business service architecture focus helps provides the context and framework for transformative IT and organizational decisions. We thoroughly assess your application portfolio and develop a roadmap for achieving the IT mix that will best support your business goals.

Application Testing
Reduce your cost and incorporate outsourcing into your operations with minimal risk. Separation of development and testing functions is a key to ensuring high-quality software. AAT’s application testing offers an opportunity to reduce costs and incorporate outsourcing into your operations with minimal risk.

AAT offers embedded or independent testing, for a single application or your entire IT system. Our spectrum of testing services is based on 4 cornerstones: lifecycle model, organization, infrastructure and techniques. This highly automated solution combines your in-house capabilities with our specialized testing expertise.

For companies that could benefit from aggregating testing across multiple business units, or already have a set of testing guidelines and processes, AAT can help you create a global testing center of excellence. This allows all applications to follow the same streamlined process, enabling you to maintain high quality.

Rightshore®, our global delivery model of on-site, onshore, near shore and offshore resources, ensures you have access to the right application testing services in the right place at the right price.